This is your admin dashboard.
Everything that you want to create or edit within your organization happens from here.
Only members who have an admin role can change and edit the fields displayed on your dashboard.
On the dashboard, you can navigate to:
- Invitations to your organization
- Members of your organization
- Work types
- Work flows
- Sites
- Services
- Skills
- Teams
- Surveys
- Numbers
- Audio
- Mailbox
- Your account
- Interaction Log
- Reports
- Report Schedule
- Canned Responses
- Dispositions
1. Invitations
Invitations are used to manage the entry of agents, team leaders, quality assessors, and other roles into your organization.
2. Members
Members include a list of all the people within your organization.
3. Work Types
Our entire system revolves around work types. Once an interaction (call, email, SMS, WebChat, Instant Message, and Ticket) comes in, it goes through a workflow, and an interaction is created. Interactions are then matched to agents.
This means you no longer need the concept of a queue. All interactions are kept in a waiting room and served when our routing algorithm decides it is the most important unit of work.
4. Work flows
Work flows are among the most important aspects of the contact center setup. Work flows define the paths your customers will follow through your system.
5. Sites, Services, Skills, and Teams
- Sites represent the regions your agents will cover.
- Services represent the departments in your contact center – such as collections, client services, or sales.
- Skills represent the specialized expertise of your agents.
- Teams represent where your agents are grouped.
6. Surveys, Numbers, Audio, and Mailboxes
- Surveys, which accept numerical responses from a phone keypad, are invaluable for research, client-relationship management, and performance management.
- Numbers show what numbers you have associated with your organization.
- Audio shows the number of audio files you have uploaded and can choose from.
- Mailbox shows the number of mailboxes that currently exist.
7. Accounts
The account tile provides an overview of your account.
Here you can buy credit, set a recharge trigger, view your account usage, buy new numbers, and update company information.
8. Interaction Log, Reports, Report Schedule, and Canned Responses
The interaction log gives you a detailed breakdown of the inbound and outbound interactions that have been handled by your agents.
Reports are split into sections:
- Agents:
- Provides you with various reports on agent activity and interaction counts.
- Waiting Room:
- Provides you with various reports on Interaction distributions.
- Interactions:
- Allows you to download detailed reports on interactions received and made.
- Quality Assessment:
- Shows you how well your agents are performing from a QA perspective.
- Customer Sentiment:
- Provides you with reports indicating clients ratings.
- Conversations:
- Shows you how successful overall conversations (as opposed to interactions) with your customers have been.
- Campaigns:
- Gives you an indication of the quality of your prospect lists.
The Report Schedule allows you to schedule the automatic emailing of reports.
Canned Responses can be created by Administrators which will provide Agents with pre-created responses to select from and send to clients.
Are created by Administrators to further customize the outcomes of conversations and create a customized reporting experience.
- Business Partner
The Business Partner feature allows Administrators to create a hierarchy within their organization as well as limit what partners have access to.
When allocating a Business Partner to a Team Leader, Campaign Manager, or one of the QA profiles, you will be limiting what those members have access to view.
Allocating a Business Partner to an Agent will limit the interactions that said Agent will have access to.
- Contact Center
The Contact Center feature allows Administrators to create a hierarchy within their organization as well as limit what partners have access to.
To create a Contact Center, you need to first create a Business Partner as Contact Center is a subcategory of Business Partners.
- Alert
Allows an Administrator to send System Notifications to all members of your Organisation or notify agents of scoring.
- Contact Fields
Contact Fields are the custom fields that will be visible on the agent’s contact card.
- Instant Messaging
*NB To enable Instant Messaging, please contact Support on, 021 045 122, or via that chat function on your dashboard.
- Emergency Announcements
An emergency announcement provides the ability to notify your callers in the event of an emergency once created and assigned to the appropriate interaction flow.
- Load Balancer
The load balancer allows for incoming calls to be divided among different work types at a fixed ratio.