The team leader dashboard is displayed below.
It is broken down as follows;
- Agent availability Tile
- Waiting Room Tile
- Interaction log tile
- Reports Tile
- Report Schedule tile
To view the number of agents that are ready and not ready, their presence (Available/Away/Busy) and status (waiting/conversing/not responding) first select a team from the drop-down menu on the top of the screen.
To view the current interaction in the waiting room click on the Waiting room tile.
This will provide you with information on the agents that match the selected service as well as information on the live interactions, statistics, and historical interaction data.
For more information on Agents withing a team go back to the home view. Click on the Agent Availability widget for more detail on the current team leader dashboard.
The Interaction log, Reports, and Report Schedule are also available on the overview dashboard.
Click on the Agent Availability Widget to view all agents within the selected team.
Each tile displays the following information for each agent:
- Agent first name and surname
- On Duty/Off Duty
- on Duty indicates, the agent has made themselves available to start receiving work.
- Off Duty indicates that the agent is not available to receive work.
- Team leaders/Supervisors are able to change the status of an Agent as well as their currently selected presence.
- No Response
- The number of calls that the agent has missed for the day. A missed call is defined as an incoming call that the agent has either not answered or rejected.
- The number of calls that an agent has transferred for the day.
- Average Agent Rating
- This indicates the average score that agents have received from Agent Rating surveys left by customers post-call. Please note that if surveys have not been set up in the organization then no data will display.
Clicking on the three verticle dots next to the Agent's name will display a drop-down list that allows you to view their statistics for the day, log them out or view their extension number, as shown in the image below.
These daily statistics refresh every day.
The hud bar sits at the top of the screen and consists of the following.
- On the left is a home button, which will return you to the home screen at any point.
- Next is the mailbox button This notification will display how many mailbox messages have been left by customers. Selecting this icon will allow you to retrieve voice messages.
- The Dashboard Sound enable/disable button will enable or disable dashboard sound notifications.
- Member Directory shows all members within the organization from its view.
- The Settings button (the cog icon located on the far right of the toolbar) allows you to edit a profile and view an organization. It also provides ZaiLab's 'Privacy Policy' and 'Terms of Service'. The final icon located on the hud bar is the Power button. This is our logout button. Clicking this icon will log you out of the system.
After clicking on the settings button (as previously mentioned) the following menu will appear. This menu is used to edit any of your personal or organization details.
The three icons featured on the main dashboard represent the key features that a Teamleader/Supervisor has access to. These are Interaction Log, Live Dashboard, Reports.
The Interaction Log includes all the individual interactions that members of the organization have created. These interactions have not been grouped into conversations and there is a filter option allowing for easier searching through the interactions.
The second icon represents the Live Dashboard. If you click this icon, you will be presented with the live dashboard indicating both live and historical interaction data. You can learn more about the Live Dashboard here.
The third and final icon represents Reports. Please refer to the "Reports" section for more information relating to retrieving reports or any other reporting related queries.