Once Capacity rules have been used in an organization it cannot be reset, Capacity rules will need to be used for the organization to function optimally.
For an agent to receive a call once capacity rules have been set, the Voice option must have been changed from 0 to 1.
When an agent is on a call, no other interactions will be served to them. Once an agent receives any kind of interaction other than a call, they will not be able to receive a call until they complete that interaction.
Agents are able to handle multiple Emails, SMS’s, webchats, and instant messages as dictated by the set capacity rules. Therefore, if the Capacity rules are correctly set an agent will be able to handle an email, SMS, webchat, and instant message all at the same time as well as multiples of these interactions. This only applies if the capacity rules allow them to do so.
All previous set Capasity rules will be removed if you’re using the bulk member selection to set capacity rules for multiple agents at once.
Agents cannot receive interactions that they do not have the channel for e.g.
An agent that does not have the channel “Emails” will not be able to receive emails.
Setting the Capacity Rules for a Single Agent:
Step 1:
Click on the “Members” tile on the admin dashboard.
Step 2:
Select the member that you want to give capacity rules to and click on their member tile.
Step 3:
Once on the “View Member” dashboard, click on the pencil icon next to the Select Capacity Rules line.
Step 4:
Set the number of interactions the agent may handle at a given time (see the above section *Imp for more details on how these interactions are handled)
Step 5:
Once the desired capacity rules have been set click on the correction tick icon to save the changes.
To confirm that these changes have been saved check the “select Capacity Rules” section on the view member dashboard.
Setting Capacity Rules for multiple Agents:
Step 1:
Click on the “Members” tile on the admin dashboard.
Step 2:
Click on the “Bulk member” selection icon on the Members dashboard.
Step 3:
Select the relevant members. Selected members will have a red border.
Step 4:
Click on the correction tick icon.
Step 5:
While on the “Bulk Edit Members” dashboard click on the pencil icon next to the “Select Capacity Rules” line.
Step 6:
Set the number of interactions the agent may handle at a given time (see the above section *Imp for more details on how these interactions are handled)
Step 7:
Once the desired capacity rules have been set click on the correction tick icon to save the changes.
To confirm that these changes have been saved check the “select Capacity Rules” section on the view member dashboard.
Step 8:
Once the desired changes have been set, click on the “Complete” button to save the changes for the selected members.