Setting up a low-balance notification helps prevent your account from running out of credit; once you've decided on a threshold, Zailab will send you a notification email whenever that threshold is breached, giving you ample time to top up your account.
Note: This functionality is in beta, and currently available only to select clients.
Step 1: Click Account on your Administrator Dashboard.
Step 2: Click the Recharge Trigger tab in the Account view.
Step 3: Click Configure on the Recharge Trigger tab.
Step 4: On the Notifications panel, enter the threshold at which you'd like to be informed of a low balance.
Step 5: Type in the email addresses to which you'd like low-balance notifications to be sent. Separate multiple addresses with a semicolon (;).
Step 6: Click the tick mark at the top right to save; your low-balance notification is now active.